India's Leading Carbon Black Producer


At our company, we embody the principles of trust, integrity, community, innovation, and growth, which form the cornerstone of our corporate governance practices.

We firmly believe that a strong governance framework is essential for upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and responsible business practices. These principles shape our business strategy. With a strong focus on risk management, we proactively identify and address potential challenges to safeguard our stakeholders' interests. We are committed to creating long-term value for all stakeholders by aligning our practices with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles. This holistic approach enables us to encourage sustainable growth, promote diversity and inclusion, and make a positive impact on our communities while upholding the highest standards of corporate governance.

Sustainability Report




Whistleblower policy establishes rules and guidelines for all stakeholders of the company, including employees, contractors, shareholders, vendors, or any other person, to follow when they witness or become aware of illegal or unethical activities within the organization that are not in the public interest or undermine shareholders’ interests. Epsilon’s whistleblower policy encourages employees to report misconduct and promote corporate governance.



Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (POSH) Act explains the Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal policies for the procedures of complaint, inquiry, and actions to be taken for any reported incident. Epsilon is continuously evolving and re-visiting its POSH policies, awareness, and compliance procedures to reinforce its value of creating a safe and professionally fulfilling work environment for women.


Code of Conduct

With integrity being the core value of Epsilon, our Code of Conduct policies provide guidelines for Epsilon employees to create a fair and equitable workplace for everyone. The policies indicate the overviewing guidelines, that provides a value driven framework for our employees to follow.



Epsilon’s anti-bribery policy reflects its values that are governed by ethical governing principles for creating an honest workplace. Our Anti Bribery Policy provides guidelines for the company employees, discouraging them from indulging in and associate with any act of bribery, extortion or corruption with any government officials or any person for or on behalf of the company. We have zero-tolerance approach to acts of bribery and corruption, by employees or anyone acting on behalf of the Company. Any breach of this policy will be regarded as a breach of trust and compliance, resulting into disciplinary action.


Corporate Social Responsibility

The CSR initiatives of Epsilon Carbon are meant “to improve the quality of life of the communities we serve, through long-term value creation for all stakeholders”. We serve the communities in need to strengthen their well-being through various focused developmental areas in education, healthcare, water and sanitation, clean energy, sports, and sustainability. We endeavor to conduct business responsibly, mindful of our social accountability, and prioritize human dignity and welfare in all our undertakings.

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Diversity and Inclusion

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